CWE is proud to support the Neurotherapeutic Intermittent Hypoxia Workshop in Atlantic Beach, FL this February. The workshop's director, Dr. Gordon Mitchell writes on the workshop's website, "A major goal will be to create an updated and expanded “Road Map” that considers potential neurotherapeutic applications beyond SCI."
This focused workshop is directly in line with CWE's specialized control of breathing instruments, especially our GSM-3 programmable gas mixer, which is widely used in intermittent hypoxia research globally.
Neurotherapeutic Intermittent Hypoxia Workshop
Presented by the University of Florida Center for Respiratory Research and Rehabilitation
February 9-12, 2020
One Ocean Resort & Spa, Atlantic Beach, FL
for tickets and more information please visit https://crrr.phhp.ufl.edu/intermittent-hypoxia-and-neurotherapeutics-workshop/
"Topics will range from basic science (cellular/network mechanisms) and translational studies in animal models or humans, to funded clinical trials. In the workshop, we restrict attention to potential neurotherapeutic applications. Likely topics concern intermittent hypoxia effects on diverse motor (walking, hand/arm, swallowing, breathing), sensory, autonomic and cognitive functions. Other topics may relate to device design and/or translational barriers." - Workshop website
We wish all of our friends and colleagues a successful meeting!