Ventilate up to 5 Animals Simultaneously with 1 CWE Ventilator

Did you know that with the right accessories, a CWE SAR-1000 or SAR-830/AP Ventilator can be transformed from a 1 animal Ventilator to a 2, 3, 4, or 5 animal Ventilator?  

The chart below in Related Attachments illustrates everything you'll need to ventilate anywhere from 1 to 5 rodents using a single SAR-1000 Ventilator.  

In use, the SAR-1000 (or SAR-830/AP) serves as animal #1 Ventilator, where you set the desired tidal volume, resp rate, minute ventilation, etc.  Once set up, you "copy" the displayed flow rate to the EFM-4 flowmeters.  The additional animals #2 - #5 will then be linked to the controlling Ventilator and have identical volumes, rates, etc. 

Contact our Sales Department(link sends e-mail) today for further information and a quote.