The SAR-1000 Small Animal Ventilator is a versatile and easy-to-use ventilator for mice, rats, and other small animals. Using Volume mode it delivers a fixed tidal volume on each breath; Pressure mode causes inflation to stop at a preset airway pressure. In either mode, lung inflation is maintained at the end of inspiration until the percent inspiration (%Insp) time has elapsed. This end inspiratory pause (EIP) improves gas exchange and the overall efficiency of ventilation.
The ventilator operates on the proven flow-time principle, where a known airflow is delivered for a set time, thus delivering a fixed volume. Actual tidal volume is computed and displayed on the LCD display, as well as Minute Ventilation (MV) and other respiratory parameters. The Tidal Volume that goes to the animal is flow x time. The %INSP dial sets the fraction of the breathing cycle that is inspiration. For example, at 60 breaths/min, a 50% settings means inspiration = 1/2 second.
The SAR-1000 takes care of all the calculations for you. So when you adjust the resp rate (RR), the inspiration time automatically changes so the %INSP always applies. You basically adjust the Tidal Volume by adjusting the FLOW. The Tidal Volume is automatically calculated and displayed for you. Here is a short video showing basic setup and operation: is external)
A built-in air pump allows completely self-contained operation. This pump draws in room air, oxygen, or anesthetic gasses through a rear-panel port. Tubing sets for both mouse and rat-sized animals are included.
The SAR-1000 is expandable to multi-animal ventilation by adding External Valve Assemblies (see Accessories). Up to five small animals can be accommodated (Ventilator + 4 CTP-VA-1 Valve Assemblies), or one animal up to 5kg using one CTP-VA-3 Valve Assembly.
Complete remote control of the ventilator via its USB port and the free SAR-CommVS software application (see below).