APS 2024 Control of Breathing Mixer
If you'll be attending the American Physiology Summit in Long Beach this April 4-7, you won't want to miss the Respiration Section's Control of Breathing Mixer! Always a fun event and a chance to learn about some hot topics in control of breathing and chat with other researchers in this exciting
Experimental Biology 2019
CWE is proud to support the Respiration Section of the American Physiological Society as a Sponsor at 2 outstanding events at this year's Experimental Biology meetings in Orlando, Florida, April 6 - 9, 2019.
Control of Breathing Hot Topics Mixer
Intermittent hypoxia: from laboratory to therapy
Intermittent hypoxia: from laboratory to therapy
Sydney Cardiovascular Symposium 2021
As a specialist in cardiopulmonary and physiology research instrumentation, CWE is proud to be a sponsor of the Sydney Cardiovascular Symposium 2021.
16th Oxford Conference on Breathing, Emotion, & Beyond 2024
Exciting News! As a conference sponsor, CWE proudly supports this year's 16th Annual Oxford Conference on the Control of Breathing, it's organizers, the control of breathing community, and the cutting edge research that's happening in this exciting space. Held every 3 years, the
Ventilate up to 5 Animals Simultaneously with 1 CWE Ventilator
Did you know that with the right accessories, a CWE SAR-1000 or SAR-830/AP Ventilator can be transformed from a 1 animal Ventilator to a 2, 3, 4, or 5 animal Ventilator?
American Physiology Summit 2023
We are thrilled to support the APS Respiration Section at this year's American Physiology Summit in Long Beach, CA as a sponsor of the Control of Breathing Mixer. Hope you can join this fantastic group of researchers and enjoy this excellent opportunity to connect with fellow respiratory physiol
Supporting the next generation of science explorers
For over 40 years CWE has been providing scientific research instruments to laboratories around the world.
Mechanical ventilation strategies for small animals
Many pre-clinical or basic research studies require long-term mechanical ventilation of small laboratory animals,
Experimental Biology 2022: APS Respiration Section Sponsor
EB 2022 Sponsor
CWE is thrilled to be a sponsor of two exciting APS Respiration events at this year's Experimental Biology meetings. April 2-5 2022 in Philadelphia, PA
Iowa Physiological Society Annual Meeting 2021
As a supporter of physiology research and education, and a specialist in instruments for respiration and physiology research, CWE is once again a proud sponsor of the Iowa Physiological Society Annual Meeting 2021.
2020 Iowa Physiological Society - Midlands Society of Physiological Sciences Joint Virtual Meeting
CWE is a proud sponsor of the 2020 Iowa Physiological Society - Midlands Society of Physiological Sciences Joint Virtual Meeting.
Neurotherapeutic Intermittent Hypoxia Workshop 2020
CWE is proud to support the Neurotherapeutic Intermittent Hypoxia Workshop in Atlantic Beach, FL this February. The workshop's director, Dr.
Australian Physiology Meetings and The Australian Society for Biophysics 2019
Attention Australian and New Zealand researchers!
CWE will be represented by APAC Scientific at the 2019 Australian Physiology and The Australian Society for Biophysics Meetings (AuPS/ASB).
Physiological Monitoring: Expired Air
In the first of our new Physiological Monitoring Series, we'd like to examine why measuring expired air during laboratory experiments is so important. Sure, there are the initial reasons like improving surgical survivability of small animals and validating respiratory status during surgery, but
CWE Partners with APAC Scientific
CWE is pleased to welcome APAC Scientific as our newest distributor in Australia and New Zealand. Partnering with APAC Scientific is an exciting opportunity as we further expand our brand in the Australia, New Zealand, and Asia Pacific regions. Our primary goal is to provide cutting edge biomed
CWE's SAR-1000 Ventilator used in ALS research at the University of Missouri
"Amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating disease leading to progressive motor neuron degeneration and death by ventilatory failure." Joining the global search for ALS treatments and an eventual cure, University of Missouri researcher Dr.
Metabolic Measurements Using CWE GEMINI Respiration Monitor
The GEMINI Respiration Monitor measures CO2, O2, and respiration rate of spontaneously breathing or ventilated animals.
Monitoring Electric Fish in the Amazon with BMA-200 Bioamplifier
Researchers monitoring territoriality in electric fish with the BMA-200 bioamplifier in the Amazon basin.
GSM-3 Gas Mixer used to study Hypercapnia-induced active expiration
Hypercapnia-induced active expiration increases in sleep and enhances ventilation in unanaesthetized rats